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RE: AECL Whiteshell

affirmatory for the lay-offs.  negative for the reason.  

Emelie Lamothe
> ----------
> From:
> Kevin_Shenk@notes.ymp.gov[SMTP:Kevin_Shenk@notes.ymp.gov]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, April 01, 1998 3:47 PM
> To: 	Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: 	Re: AECL Whiteshell
> I do not know if this is an April Fools joke or not, and I hope it is
> one.
> I just received information that AECL Whiteshell laid off about 250
> people
> out of about 580 yesterday.
> What was reported to me was, "This is in at least partial response to
> the
> Canadian review panel's report released a few weeks ago.  The report
> says,
> in essence, although the current AECL disposal concept is fine
> technically,
> it lacks adequate social acceptance to proceed into the site selection
> phase."
> Does anyone else have confirmatory information on this layoff ?