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CFUW - Again

> Hi.  This is a "heads-up" and call for help for the Canadian members
> of radsafe. 
> Last year, I had requested your assistance in defeated 2 resolution
> being put forth for approval at the Canadian Federation of University
> Women' AGM.  Both were very much biased and anti-nuke.  The first
> dealt with MOX and the second with waste (or rather ban nuke!). The
> main part of both motions was defeated last year and the new
> "modified" motion passed.  However, I was unable to get a copy of the
> modified MOX motion.  Well, guess what, this year, the MOX motion is
> back and I think that the other one is also but I have yet to see it.
> The new chair of the Subcommittee on global peace and security was the
> main proponent (read mover and shaker) of the motions put forth last
> year.
> And so, I am once again asking for your assistance in defeating these
> resolutions.  How the voting process works is that each chapter of the
> CFUW that is present at the AGM has 1 vote.  Motions are sent out
> about 3 months prior to the AGM for general discussion and consensus
> building within the chapters.  If the majority of the chapters reject
> the motion, then the motion is not presented at the AGM.  The "motion"
> session at the AGM is 1-hour long.  Chapters speaking to the motion
> have 1 minute max. to support or reject or amend the motion.  It is
> then voted upon in the usual order.
> Therefore, our focus right now is to influence the local chapters and
> to provide information to those willing to speak against the motions
> at the AGM.  If you are a member of the CFUW, please speak up at the
> "chapter discussion" meeting.  If you are not a member, see if you can
> find someone that is willing to vote against it and offer to assist
> them with facts and info.  I have quite a bit of information in my
> files and can help you get more.
> CFUW represents a large group of women with university degrees from
> across Canada.  They are perceived by other women as a very credible
> group and source of information.  They have extensive lobby groups at
> all levels of society and government.  The majority of CFUW members do
> not have science or engineering degrees.  
> According to many domestic and international surveys, women tend to
> believe other women.  And if you don't think this has an impact,
> consider the conclusions of the recent Seaborn report on "The disposal
> of Canada's Nuclear Fuel Waste." that was issued after the vast
> trans-Canada consultation and hearing panel process.
> I am also enclosing a copy of the resolution but not the supporting
> text (it is so biased and filled with misinformation).  If you want to
> see the main text, I will send you a copy.
> Thank you for your support.  
> Emelie Lamothe
> CRL - ext. 3616
> P.S.  Since the late 70s, the anti-nukes have argued strenuously
> against immobilization and storage of anything nuclear.
> Disposition of plutonium from dismantled nuclear weapons
> Submitted by the CFUW Sub-Committee on Global Peace and Security
> RESOLVED: That the Canadian Federation of University Women urge the
> Government of Canada to take a leading role internationally to:
> 1)	promote international agreement for immobilization as the method
> of disposition of the plutonium from dismantled nuclear weapons and
> for storage of this immobilized plutonium under strict international
> control in the country of origin;
> 2)	promote an international ban on the production of all separated
> plutonium for any purpose - whether military or civilian; and 
> 3)	discourage the use of plutonium fuel internationally.