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RE: Gamma Spec Labs
Although I can't provide you with an exhaustive list, I can tell you
that our office does this type of analysis routinely. Since we
generally deal only with uranium series radionuclides in equilibrium
(except for radon and its progeny) we normally look primarily at the 609
keV peak of Bi-214 after sealing and allowing for ingrowth. However, we
can also use the 63 keV and 93 keV peaks of Th-234 (the decay product of
U-238). At a half-life of only 24 days, Th-234 is just about always in
equilibrium with U-238 in soil samples even if there is disequilibrium
in the series for some reason.
Soil is not a problem. It's pretty much all we ever analyze. Our
standard geometry is a 3" diameter by 1" thick cylindrical tin, although
our castle is quite large and can handle many different geometries.
What source geometry are you using?
Christopher H. Clement
Scientific Specialist / Radiation Protection Program Manager
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
> ----------
> From: Andrew J. Schwartz[SMTP:aschwart@secor.com]
> Sent: May 1, 1998 4:06 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Gamma Spec Labs
> Can anyone provide a list of gamma spec labs that can perform analysis
> of background uranium activity in soil? I would need the lab to
> accomodate my geometry. I am willing to send out my NIST mixed gamma
> source so that the machine can be calibrated appropriately. Any help
> is
> appreciated.
> Andrew Schwartz
> aschwart@secor.com
> SECOR International, Inc.