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Re: Airport X-rays & Computers -Reply
When I flew back from the U.S. two days ago (from JFK) - I saw an
article in some (photographic?) magazine about film exposure to
X-ray machines at airports. Some of you may be interested. It is
not at all an harmless (to sensitive film) as some of those
airport people say. Check it out if you can! I can impossibly
remember the name of the publication but it is obviously the
current issue.
Bjorn Cedervall (Stockholm)
>Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 13:28:49 -0500 (CDT)
>Reply-To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
>From: Kathleen Kaufman <KKAUFMAN@dhs.co.la.ca.us>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
>Subject: Airport X-rays & Computers -Reply
>I have actually measured the radiation exposure from the x-ray machines
>that are used to check carry-on baggage, & confirmed what the
>manufacturer says- it's about 0.15 milliRoentgen/scan. Also, I travel a
>& always put my purse through with the film badge in it- it has never
>come back with any reading even when several trips have been taken. I
>don't think the rad exposure could have any impact on a computer.
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