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Greater New York Chapter of the Health Physics Society Symposium
ANNOUNCEMENT: Greater New York Chapter of the Health Physics Society Symposium
MEETING DATE: May 29, 1998
Brookhaven National Laboratory: Lessons Learned...
The theme of the symposium is to review the BNL experience with respect to
the discovery of elevated tritium levels in the on-site groundwater.
Speakers representing different professional backgrounds will provide
insights as to how they responded to the issues that surrounded this event.
The history of BNL and the social dimension of science, Robert Crease,
University of NY at StonyBrook
A technical discussion of the ground water issues, Doug Paquette,
hydrogeologist at BNL
The public affairs perspective, Mona Rowe, Manager of media and external
publications at BNL
Environmental, Safety and Health issues, Robert Casey, Special Assistant
ESH and Quality at BNL
The impact on DOE science and ESH programs, Charles Billups, DOE Energy
LOCATION: Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, New York
Brookhaven Center
TIME: 8:30 Registration
4:30 Conclusion
Registration fee: $45.00 payable at the door - includes two breaks and luncheon
To register, contact Kathleen McIntyre at:
phone: 516-344-5868
FAX: 516-344-7497
email: Mcintyre@bnl.gov
Registration deadline: May 22, 1998
Kathleen McIntyre
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, New York 11973-5000
516-344-7497 (fax)