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Nuclear provides 17 pct of world electricity-IAEA

LONDON, May 12 (Reuters) 

Figures from the International Atomic Energy Agency said 437 nuclear
plants were operating at the end of 1997 with three plants coming on
stream - two in France and one in South Korea. Construction work on
five new nuclear reactors started last year, three in China and two in
South Korea.

Electricity produced from nuclear power in 1997 at 2276.49 terrawatt
hours was higher than the whole world's total electricity production
thirty years ago, the IAEA said.

A table below outlines the number of nuclear reactors and the
percentage of electricity they supply.

COUNTRY          # Reactors      %
Argentina               2                 11.40
Armenia                 1                 25.67
Belgium                 7                 60.05
Brazil                     1                   1.09
Bulgaria                 6                 45.38
Canada                 16                 14.16
China                     3                   0.79
Czech Republic     4                 19.34
Finland                  4                 30.40
France                  59                 78.17
Germany              20                 31.76
Hungary                 4                 39.88
India                     10                   2.32
Japan                    54                 35.22
Kazakhstan             1                  0.58
South Korea          12                 34.08
Lithuania                 2                 81.47
Mexico                    2                  6.48
Netherlands             1                  2.77
Pakistan                   1                  0.65
Romania                   1                  9.67
Russia                     29                 13.63
South Africa             2                  6.51
Slovakia                   4                 43.99
Slovenia                   1                 39.91
Spain                       9                 29.34
Sweden                  12                 46.24
Switzerland             5                 40.57
Taiwan                    6                 26.35
U.K                       35                 27.45
Ukraine                 16                 46.84
U.S.                     107                 20.14
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306 
Fax:    (714) 668-3149

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