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Re[2]: request - source for ALARA sticker?

        I have seen these stickers with the logo Dosimeter Corp.
        Try: Dosimeter Corporation of America
             5 Eastmans Road
             Parsippany, NJ 07054
        ATTN: Mr. Robert Rich
              Mr. Paul Roba

        Sorry, but I do not have their phone # or E-Mail         

Jim Austin

Subject: request - source for ALARA sticker?
>One of our technicians e-mailed me with the following description of an 
>ALARA sticker:
>"An e-mail friend who used to work at power plants (welder) is trying 
>locate an ALARA sticker that has a picture of the dossimeter scale with 
>little rad worker trying to push the crosshair back down towards the 
>end of the scale."
>She is interested in finding a source that sells these stickers 
>(presumably she's not looking for a large quantity of them).  Any 
>information on such an item would be greatly appreciated.  My e-mail 
>address is below in my .sig.
>Thanks in advance!
>Melissa Woo, Health Physicist                    |m-woo@uiuc.edu 
>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign       |ofc 
>DEHS, MC225, 101 S. Gregory St., Urbana, IL 61801|fax 
>http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/m-woo                 |