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Re: Outpatient Thyroid Ablations

>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>Date:         Tue, 26 May 1998 21:09:18 -0400
>Reply-To: larocca@frontiernet.net
>Sender: Medical Physics Listserver <medphys@lists.wayne.edu>
>From: "The LaRocca's" <larocca@FRONTIERNET.NET>
>Subject:      Re: Outpatient Thyroid Ablations
>As a consultant, many of my clients are now treating outpatients at home
>with I-131 therapy.  Our programs have been very successful.  Occasionaly,
>the question of a hotel stay has arisen.  Fortunately, I had the support of
>the authorized users to not permit such treatment.
>The though of potential problems that can arise of a contaminated hotel
>room would be a nightmare !!!!!
>> To: MEDPHYS@cwis-20.wayne.edu
>> Subject: Outpatient Thyroid Ablations
>> Date: Tuesday, May 26, 1998 8:53 PM
>> We have been treating thyroid ablation patients on an outpatient basis
>> a few months now.  As incredible as it seems, many patients can be
>> given 150 mCi of I-131 and sent home if they follow some relatively
>> reasonable precautions for the first four days.
>> Today we were presented with a new twist.  The patient said she lives
>> in a one bedroom apartment with several others and could not comply
>> with the release criteria.  However, she would rather check into a hotel
>> room for four days rather than stay in the hospital.  She said she would
>> bring her own linens, towels, and eating utensils.
>> As Radiation Safety Officer, I was asked if that was permissible.  I said
>> absolutely no way.  I believe the NRC modified the release criteria with
>> the intent that these patients would go back to their own homes.  But
>> some questioned this decision.
>> Can anybody out there give me a reference which would support or
>> refute this decision?
>>                     *****
>> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Medphys at:
>> http://www.mindspring.com/~sherouse/MPFAQ/
>                    *****
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