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I understand why so many HPs are defensive when it comes to radiation risks.
But as Health Physicist, we should consider how we look to others not in the
field.  Let's all try to not be so defensive.  This is one person who's death
may be related to his radiation exposure.  We will never know.  But, to say
radiation was DEFINITELY not not the causative factor is unscientific and
overly defensive.  When Health Physicisit are overly defensive, people wonder
what their hideing or what their real agenda may be.  

Sam Kirk

<< > Nobody
 >> questions the car the other thousands/millions of leukemia victims did
 >> drive, but to question the amount of sex somebody had in relation to the
 >> leukemia incidence is simply unacceptable and disgusting.
 >> All of you who made comments in this direction should be ashamed. Sandy, I
 >> did not expect something like that from me. 
 >Franz, you should read my follow-up before you jump to 
 >conclusions. I was not making any correlation between everyday 
 >facets of life to leukemia. I was making the assumption to do with 
 >the fact that a man went up into space and contracted leukemia, is 
 >just as foolish. Nothing more, nothing less.
 Nobody will read a follow-up. Everybody (mass media) will take your comment
 on the sex-life of an astronaut as the first order message and nobody will
 bother for a clarification. Therefore you should be careful. I understood
 your message - but I am sure that most others did not.....