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RE: FDA Regs for Fluoro

Fluoro dose rate limits can be classified according to what the fluoroscope is able to do:
     --Recorded fluoro (video tape, cine film, digital, etc.)  = no dose limits.  
     --High level fluoro (AKA Boost Fluoro)
	On older systems (pre 5/95) , normal fluoro is limited to 5 R/min entrance dose.  No limit on boost.
	On newer systems, the limits are 10 R/min for normal fluoro and 20 R/min for boost.
	These systems are required to have an audible signal indicating when boost is activated.
     --Plain old fluoro is limited to 10 R/min as long as it has no capacity for boost.

Some makers have come up with units which can operate as either a plain single mode fluoro or (this
sounds like a contradiction) as a boost/normal fluoro unit.  As if the regs weren't confusing enough.

	Gary Isenhower		Baylor College of Medicine
	garyi@bcm.tmc.edu	1 Baylor Plaza / 126H
				Houston, Texas  77030