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Re: Environmental TLDs

This from Joel White, our Technical Director and former environmental
assayist of California wines:

Please pass on this info:  A company called Kapak in Michigan does sell a
gas or moisture impermeable plastic bag I have used for environmental
dosimeters. The dosimeters were heat sealed in one bag, then placed in a
second larger bag; the important consideration is to ensure a good seal and
to be sure to make the slot or hole for a tie down ABOVE the heat seal
This technique works well except for extreme conditions.....like El Nino



Robert J. Gunter         Tel: (714) 545-0100

Sr. Technical Specialist      Tel: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2414

ICN Biomedicals, Inc.         Fax: (714) 668-3149

Dosimetry Division       Email: rjgunter@icnpharm.com

3300 Hyland Avenue

Costa Mesa, CA  92626

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