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Future trend in Nuclear Power Plant Protests?
- To: "'RadSafe'" <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>, Alexander Kolker <akolker@exchange.nih.gov>, Bill Holcomb <holcomb@exchange.nih.gov>, Bob Zoon <razoon@exchange.nih.gov>, Douglas Carter <dacarter@exchange.nih.gov>, Israel Putnam <iputnam@exchange.nih.gov>, Mike Noska <mnoska@exchange.nih.gov>, Roger Broseus <rbroseus@exchange.nih.gov>, Sean Austin <saustin@exchange.nih.gov>, Adel Baryoun <Abaryoun@exchange.nih.gov>, Bert Starbird <starbird@exchange.nih.gov>, Beth Reed <sereed@exchange.nih.gov>, Cathy Ribaudo <Cribaudo@exchange.nih.gov>, Diane Case <DCase@exchange.nih.gov>, George Redmond <GRedmond@exchange.nih.gov>, Ivan Wallace <iwallace@exchange.nih.gov>, Karl Fischer <kfischer@exchange.nih.gov>, Kathy McLellan <KathyMCw@exchange.nih.gov>, Kelly Austin <kaustin@exchange.nih.gov>, Michael Roberson <roberson@mail.nih.gov>, Nancy Newman <nnewman@exchange.nih.gov>
- Subject: Future trend in Nuclear Power Plant Protests?
- From: "Jacobus, John (OD)" <JJacobus@exchange.nih.gov>
- Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:40:33 -0500
This was posted in the NRC's Headquarters Daily Report for Oct 27, 1998. I
thought it may be of interest. -- John
Licensee/Facility: Notification:
Consolidated Edison Co. Of N.Y. MR Number: 1-98-0047
Indian Point 2 Date: 10/26/98
Buchanan,New York
Dockets: 50-247
Reportable Event Number: 34956
At 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 25, 1998, a public demonstration was held
outside the front gate of the Indian Point site. The demonstration,
attended by about 800 people from communities around the Indian Point
site, was peaceful and lasted about 30 minutes. The demonstration,
supported by local officials, was held as part of a protest to
Con Edison's June 15th request for a tax reassessment of their Indian
Point 1 and 2 facilities. This tax reassessment would reduce the
assessed value of the facility by approximately 65 percent, cutting the
amount of taxes Con Edison pays to all local municipalities by just over
$15 million per year. This tax cut would force local area taxpayers to
face substantial property tax increases.
Note that contrary to the event text in 50.72 event report 34956,
approval of this tax reassessment is not a referendum issue on the
November 3 election ballot.
The opinions and comments are mine, and are not those of my employer or spouse.
John Jacobus, Area Health Physicist
National Institutes of Health
Radiation Safety Branch, Building 21, Room 238
21 Wilson Drive, MSC 6780
Bethesda, MD 20892-6780
Phone: 301-496-5774
Fax: 301-496-3544
E-mail: jjacobus@exchange.nih.gov (W)
jenday@ix.netcom.com (H)
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