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RE: Does Size Matter?

I know one case where size does matter.  It's when you get to use another
individual as shielding.  In a high dose area, the obese among the
population can be pretty useful.  Although they generally can't move very
fast, thus giving you somewhat of a penalty in time, their diameter and body
composition more than makes up for it in the areas of distance and shielding
- if you tuck in close behind them.  These folks, especially the tall ones,
are especially effective as neutron shields.

These opinions are obviously my own and not endorsed by past or present
employers, or my 300 pound ex-wife.

Jim Bult

> ----------
> From: 	mephillips12@magnox.co.uk[SMTP:mephillips12@magnox.co.uk]
> Reply To: 	radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> Sent: 	Wednesday, October 28, 1998 3:33 AM
> To: 	Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: 	Does Size Matter?
>      For years there has been a question which has bugged me, to which I
>      have never received a satisfactory answer.
> to a more obese population?
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