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Re: Lung Cancer and Radon

In a message dated 11/9/98, 12:58:43 PM,Fritz Seiler  writes
<< Here, we have to make another important point: Although the interpretation
Bernie's data has been savagely attacked, nobody has seriously
questioned the validity of the experimental data, whatever they
are allowed to mean.

Two, with regard to these much maligned data, we have made
a rather interesting discovery (Seiler, F.A., and J.L. Alvarez,
"Is the ?Ecological Fallacy' A Fallacy?"; to be submitted shortly).
It will influence risk calculations and thus the cost-risk-benefit
calculations discussed on this thread in a rather decisive way.>>


Could you reference the savage attacks?  Are you referring to peer reviewed
papers concerning Dr. Cohen's work?  Will you be discussing in your paper the
limitations of Dr. Cohen's data that he uses to control for smoking?

Regards, Bill Field

Bill Field
mailto: bill-field@uiowa.edu
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