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Competent Experts

Dear RadSafers,
As a teacher in radiation health physics I am asked to make a suggestion for a new curriculum to be published by ISRRT (International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists). Fortunately the European Commission is making an explanation for the new Guidelines, in which there is a guide for a curriculum!

To EC Directive 96/29 the Commission made a 'Communication on the application of the Directive 96/29' (PbEG C133 of april 30, 1998). In Appendix 1 we find (my own translation) "The basic- and completing education of Competent Experts". We want to use this as a basis for our curriculum.

Unfortunately I only posess a Dutch translation of the Communication and I find it silly to translate it back into English, so I would like to ask you whether any of you can find the original English text of it and send it to me (either by snailmail, or scannned for OCR, or maybe even as a file). Or advice me how to get it quickly ...
My private address:
A. Klerk
Perenlaan 10
3723 VJ  Bilthoven
The Netherlands
email: b.klerk@hshaarlem.nl

Thanks and best regards to you all.