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X-rays or Strip Search?
WASHINGTON - Airline passengers suspected of carrying illegal drugs are
getting a choice for the first time from U.S. Customs agents who want to
search them: Submit to a strip search or be taken to a nearby hospital for an
The Customs Service began testing the X-ray option at New York's Kennedy
International Airport and Miami International Airport in October because the
agency is looking at ways to make such searches less intrusive and less
embarrassing for passengers and inspectors. The tests will end in mid-January.
The X-rays could reveal drugs that had been ingested or hidden in body
cavities or underneath clothing.
So far, none of the passengers presented with the choice have opted for an
X-ray, Kelly said. Seven passengers at JFK given the option chose to be strip
Not all passengers get the option -- 44 passengers were required to be
strip searched because inspectors felt something that could be drugs under
their clothing.
The New York and Miami airports were chosen because they have the heaviest
flow of international passengers entering the United States.
Kelly said customs inspectors do body searches on about 1,700 airline
passengers a year. Some passengers are required to remove some or all of their
Passengers who have been singled out by customs inspectors are first
interviewed; if inspectors think they may have drugs on them they can be
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