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ANS Offers a Special Award for 1999

Title: ANS Offers a Special Award for 1999
ANS  Special  Award for:


The ANS Special Award recognizes important work in a different discipline of nuclear science each year.  The award is intended to go to an individual, or individuals, rather than to a large group or institution. The candidate(s) should have played an outstanding role in the necessary research and analysis and/or in the interpretation and leadership associated with furthering the overall understanding of this important effort. Nominees must be living individuals and need not be ANS members.

This year, the American Nuclear Society wishes to identify and honor work conducted in the field nuclear medicine, especially in the area of  NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES IN MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT.  The Society invites nominations for those individuals or individuals who have made key contributions in this area.

Nominations are made on a form available from ANS headquarters. Eight copies  of the completed form and supporting documentation are due prior to April 1, 1999.  An engraved plaque and a monetary award of $1,000 will be  presented to an individual or a team at the ANS Annual Meeting in June 1999. 

Information about all the honors and awards presented by the ANS may be found at the ANS web page <http://www.ans.org/membership/services/honor.awards.html>.   For additional information, please contact ANS Honors & Awards Coordinator Carol Cech at (708) 579-8202  or <carolc@ans.org>. 
K. K. S. Pillay
Chair, ANS Honors & Awards Committee