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Re:Question on Public Limits
> Check out NCRP Report No. 116. It provides recommendations on public exposure
> limits, including dose equivalent to the skin. It also summarizes
> recommendations from NCRP Report No. 91 and ICRP Publication 60. Common
> recommended limit = 50 mSv (or 5,000 mrem) annual dose equivalent.
Of course the 50 mSv value quoted above happens to also be the
dose at which an individual must be monitored (per 10CFR20), if
this is recommended for shallow dose equivalent.
I also agree with Bill that unless the individual is exposed to a high
energy beta, i.e., Sr/Y-90, there will be some deep dose equivalent.
I doubt that the individual would be exposed to beta such as Tl-204,
and receive a 0.20 mSv/week exposure, which would only result in
a shallow dose equivalent, and no associated deep dose, or lens
dose equivalent.
I also expect that if there is such a case where an individual can be
exposed to the doses above, the regulatory bodies would probably
have a few things to say, if the faciloity insists that these
individuals are "members of the public" and not considered as
occupational workers.
Sandy Perle
E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
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