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RE: Air Sampling
We typically sample for iodine isotopes.
> ----------
> From: Knapp, Timothy M.
> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 1999 5:29 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Air Sampling
> Radsafers
> We have air sampling systems with charcoal filters in series used to
> determine the trapping efficiency of the systems. Over the past year I
> have
> run into 3 occasions where the counts in the second filter are almost
> equal
> to those of the first. We're only talking a few thousand counts so I have
> ruled out saturation by the nuclide. Nothing new was done procedurally
> and
> as far as I can tell the temperature and humidity were the same as well.
> Is
> there a phenomena called tunneling that occurs in charcoal ? If so can
> someone explain or provide a reference? If not can someone explain or
> provide a reference?
> Without an explanation or a reference
> Tim K.
> |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> Timothy M. Knapp
> Merck Research Laboratories
> PO Box 4, WP44C-2
> West Point, PA 19486
> Ph (215) 652-4648
> Fx (215) 652-3667
> timothy_knapp@merck.com
> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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