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Charlie Willis
At 08:43 AM 1/28/99 -0600, you wrote:
>It is my sad duty to report that this is the last posting Charlie Willis
will make to Radsafe. Charlie passed away sometime last night while
working late here at the NRC HQ Office in Rockville MD. He was found by
the guards this morning about 1:00 AM. Early speculation is that heart
failure was the cause of death. Charlie was a friend, mentor, and
colleague to many of us here at the NRC. He will be sorely missed by his
co-workers as well as by the entire Health Physics community.
Sorry to hear the news of the passing of Charlie Willis. Although I never
had the pleasure of meeting the man, I have read many a Radsafe message
composed by him, and respected him and his knowledge of the field of health
physics greatly.
Sometimes you feel like you know a person, even though you have never
interacted directly with him or her. You can get a strong sense of his or
her spirit. I, for one, will miss the spirited contributions of Charlie
Willis to the Radsafe forum.
My condolences to his family and friends.
Rick Mannix
Health Physicist
Laser Safety Officer
Univ. of Calif., Irvine
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