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Rad Vacuum HEPAs
We're looking for practices at other DOE sites with regard to the
testing of HEPA filters for rad vacuums. To date, we have submitted
our rad vac. HEPAs to the same level of testing that we utilize for
facility HEPAs. This has mainly been performed due to the absence
of rules covering the certification of rad vac. HEPAs (what's wrong
with being conservative, right? Argh!)
So here's the question: 1) do you accept the rad vac filter
manufacturer's certifications or 2) do you submit it for additional
testing at a DOE Filter Test Facility? AND if #2 is your answer, what
regs are you using to drive this practice?
Thanks in advance!
Michael S. Ford, CHP
Radiation Safety Department
Battelle Pantex
Amarillo, TX
806.477.5727 phone
806.477.4198 fax
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