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Patient Excreta to the sewer

The NRC recognized that disposal of this type of waste to the sanitary 
sewer is the preferred method of disposal because of other health 
implications of handling and disposal of it as radioactive waste, of 
which I completely agree (see Federal Register Volume 56, No. 56, 
p.23381).  The radiation dose to members of the public is practically 
nonexistent, because of the short half-life of most radionuclides used 
in medicine, compared to the other health hazards to the radiation 
workers that would have to handle the excreta.

>According to 20.2003 (b) of 10CFR20, "excreta from individuals 
>undergoing medical diagnosis or therapy with radioactive material >are 
not subject to the limitations contained in paragraph (a) of >this 
>Could someone please inform me of the technical bases of 20.2003 (b) 
>?(bases or any reasons that the statement above mentioned was >included 
into 10CFR20)
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