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Re: dust mask usage

My problem in hanging anything around the neck, waiting for high airborne
radioactivity, or any other nasty material for that matter, is that the
apparatus becomes a super dooper plooper scooper.  Large particles can
become entrapped on the "filter' material, when lifted to the mouth, the
not-respirable particle can then be inhaled or ingested.

Just remembering an example from when half masks were authorized, and when
the person talked, he let the half mask hang down. A 0.34 microcurie  cobalt
particle was ingested.  Of Course, it came out the next morning.   The next
time the particle may be dissolved in the mouth or gut.

Roy C. Craft, CHP
-----Original Message-----
From: Archer, Joe <archerj@wipp.carlsbad.nm.us>
To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 5:09 PM
Subject: dust mask usage

>We are a facility where the potential for an accident is very low but
>the consequences could be large. I would not shackle our workers with
>respirators for a very low probability event even if I could take
>precautions that are not legally required. However, I am interested in
>evaluating the performance of paper/cloth dust masks worn around the
>neck as a cheap, simple, and "reasonable" measure to minimize the
>consequences of an unlikely, but potentially serious accident. I also
>believe they could be justified as a cheap personal air sampler if
>nothing else. Our IH guy has a problem with any inferrence that a dust
>mask provides respiratory protection and opposes any argument that they
>can provide any benefit from a worker protection standpoint.
>My questions to all Radsafers is this "Does the idea of wearing a 50
>cent surgeons masks around your neck and covering your mouth with it as
>you exit a room where a potential release has occurred seem like a
>reasonable suggestion?". Would you say it qualifies as ALARA?  Does the
>fact that a dust mask does not guarantee a specific level of protection
>invalidate it as a reasonable tool for mitigating an uptake? Would the
>use of a rag be more likely to indicate an uptake than a nasal smear?
>If you were in a room where a release occurred and you had a dust mask
>handy, would you breath through the mask as you exited or would you not
>breath through the mask on the grounds that it was not NIOSH approved?
>Your comments are greatly appreciated.
>Joe Archer
>The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html