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Gov't To Create Rocky Flats Reserve
Tuesday May 18 10:37 AM ET
Gov't To Create Rocky Flats Reserve
GOLDEN, Colo. (AP) - About 800 acres of the former Rocky Flats
nuclear weapons plant will be set aside for wildlife, Energy
Secretary Bill Richardson said.
The Department of Energy and the Fish and Wildlife Service will
create ``Rock Creek Reserve,'' a protected area of tall grass prairie
and wetlands at the nuclear waste cleanup site about 15 miles
northwest of downtown Denver, he said Monday.
``The reserve represents a remnant of the prairie and a reminder of
our collective past,'' Richardson said. ``It symbolizes the
importance of living in harmony with the land as our tribal leaders
teach us.''
The reserve, in a 6,000-acre ``buffer zone'' around the core of the
site, is home to several rare species, including the threatened
Preble's meadow jumping mouse, bald eagles, peregrine falcons,
Eastern short-horned lizards and Eastern burrowing owls.
Officials are busy trying to clean up the radioactive waste left at
Rocky Flats by nearly 40 years of nuclear weapons production. An
accelerated cleanup began in 1995, and Richardson reiterated his
pledge that the job would be finished by 2006.
The plan's critics are worried about the safety of moving
contaminated materials.
Tom Marshall, who works for the Rocky Mountain Peace and
Justice Center, said Richardson's wildlife announcement is just a
distraction from the environmental issues at Rocky Flats.
``I think this is window dressing,'' Marshall said. ``The real issue is
whether Rocky Flats gets cleaned up.''
The first shipments of waste are being prepared for transport in mid-
June to a storage facility in New Mexico, site manager Jessie
Roberson said.
Sandy Perle
E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
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