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Plutonium-238-containing cardiac pacemakers
Hello Radsafers,
This is a request to anyone who might have any data on the number of
Plutonium-238-containing cardiac pacemakers.
> Are they still manufactured and used?
Presumably, in the past, thousands of people were fitted with these devices
(my old nuclear engineering text book has a very nice photo of one..).
The reason I'm asking is that its related to the much publicized issue of
transportation of mixed oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel containing small (~3 - 4%)
amounts of Plutonium-239, derived from surplus US & Russian nuclear weapons
stocks, and destined to be burned in nuclear powerplants (the "Swords to
Ploughshares" solution to surplus plutonium disposition).
The plutonium isotope in these medical devices is about 290 times more
radioactive than that which constitutes over 90% of weapons plutonium (it
HAS TO be - otherwise its radioactive decay heating could not supply the
required thermoelectric power for up to 35 years). Yet we have no qualms
about letting people carrying plutonium in their chests travel on our
subways, in our cars and airliners, and eat at our dinner tables. Even the
patients' own personal radiation exposure from these implants is only about
the same as the normal natural radiation background dose we all receive.
Your information would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
> jaro
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