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RE: Detectors for municple waste disposal trucks
Not directly related, but we use mobile detection in a patrol car, as
the Illinois State Police do. We chose the Eberline SPA-6 probe, because
it uses a plastic crystal as opposed to Sodium Iodide. We were worried
about the effects of thermal shock on a NaI crystal detector. In our
applicatrion, we hook the probe up to an Eberline RM-14S, with a 12V
adapter. At one time, Ludlum made a similar instrument, primarily for
the ISP application. The detector/meter is quite sensitive (I've
detected thyroid patients in passing cars). It gives counts only,
though, and has an alarm which can be set for anywhere in the range.
It also may not be sensitive enough for your application. I responded to
a complaint from a trucker who had been trurned away from a scrap dealer
because their gate detectors went off on his trailer and load. The
RM-14S didn't even move parked next to his trailer, and I could get
nothing above background with a geiger counter (Eberline ASP-1 with a
"hot dog" probe).
On the other had, make it too sensitve, and you will get multiple false
readings: One problem with mobile detection is natural sources. With the
heavy granite use in construction in Georgia, granite walls, new
pavement, bridges, and buildings can all set off the alarm. At one time
the northbound lanes of I-75 north of macon had a background count about
6 times that of the southbound lanes (Northbound was asphalt, SB was
Capt. Bruce Bugg
HazMat Specialist - Enforcement Officer
Ga. Public Service Commission
1007 Virginia Avenue, Suite 310
Hapeville, GA 30354-1325
voice: 404.559.6627
fax: 404.559.4972
e-mail: bruceb@psc.state.ga.us
or: 75720.1177@compuserve.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Irene K Sakimoto [SMTP:isakimot@hawaii.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 17:04
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Detectors for municple waste disposal trucks
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a request from our city waste disposal department for vendors
> who
> could supply a microrad detector system for their waste disposal
> trucks.
> They've had problems with contaminated trucks at their transfer
> stations
> which increases down time for those contaminated trucks. They want to
> detect "hot" waste before they pick it up. It needs to be battery
> powered
> from the truck battery and detect low and high levels of radiation.
> If you have any information about these types of detectors, please
> reply
> to me directly unless you feel others on this list may benefit from
> this
> information.
> Thank you in advance for your help!
> Irene Sakimoto
> email: isakimot@hawaii.edu
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