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Re: Panoramic X-rays

If you don't have ready access to Med Phys, let me know, and I'll copy the

chris a.

>In response to  Riasp Medora's question re radiation dose in panoramic
>dental procedures:
>>     Can anyone tell me what the dose from a panoramic series dental x-ray
>>     is. The X-ray machine was a Phillips ORALIX PAN Model PT-10P the KV
>>     was 73 at 6mA. Also, what are the recommendations as far as frequency
>>     of panoranmic x-rays.
>Some germane references which provide representative data:
>1.)     Goldstein A.  Exposure and Dose in Panoramic Radiology.
>        Medical Physics 25:1033-1040, June 1998
>2.)     Bartolotta A., et al.  Dental Orthopantomography: Survey of
Patient Dose
>        Radiology 146: 821-823, March 1983
>Hopefully you have access to these journals.  Otherwise feel free to
>contact me directly.
>                ***********************************
>Director, Medical Physics                       (513) 558-5476 (voice)
>Department of Radiology                 (513) 558-0300 (FAX)
>Stephen R. Thomas, PhD                  steve.thomas@uc.edu
>E560 Medical Sciences Building
>PO Box 670579
>Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0579
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