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Enhanced Rad Worker Practices
Looking for Lesson Plans, Mock-Up Activities, Scenarios, Tools or Tricks to
reinforce expectations on proper radiation worker practices when working in
Radiation Controlled Areas.
The following is a preliminary list of objectives.....
Identify methods used to minimize the generation of Radioactive Material.
Recall methods used to prevent the spread of loose surface contamination.
Perform the actions to be taken in the event of a Radioactive Material spill.
Recall storage requirements for Radioactive Materials.
Perform tool and equipment removal from a posted contaminated area.
Describe how material is released from the Radiation Controlled Area.
Perform radiation controls when reaching across a posted contaminated
Identify proper use of protective clothing to maximize protection in
contaminated areas.
Perform proper undressing techniques to minimize the spread of contamination.
Perform actions to reduce radiation exposure, ALARA.
Please respond via E-Mail to allan_wier@FPL.com. All responders to be placed on
list for lesson distribution.
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information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html