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Re: Next Rad. News Story- Cassini

Hi all,

The near Earth boost will be on August 18 (nearest fly by, gravity 
acceleration boost). I also think that we (as a profession) may be 
answering questions about this as the media picks up on it, so in the 
interest of Radiation Safety->

NASA has a very nice web page on the Cassini mission:

Info on the Earth (and other planets) fly by is found best on:

They have a nice "where is Cassini now" web page: 

Plus a very well put together web site on "Nuclear Safety" (i.e., the 

Bruce A. Busby    -     Radiation Health Physicist
W- bab1303@doh.wa.gov      H-babusby@aol.com
Rad Prot. Div. - Dept. of Health - Washington State
7171 Cleanwater Lane, Bldg. 5   Olympia, WA  98504


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