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Bioelectromagnetics publications to donate...
Bioelectromagnetics publications to donate...
I have two bankers boxes filled with miscellaneous bioelectromagnetics publications from
the 1969-1984 time frame. Most are written about RF/MW radiations and include the
USAF dosimetry series, the USN bioeffects digest series, selected BRH bioeffects
publications, selected issues of EM journals related to bioeffects, Battocletti's
"electromagnetism man and the environment," Czerski, et al's "biologic effects and health
hazards of mocrowave radiation," and Baranski and Czerski's "biological effects of
Bioelectromagnetics publications to donate...
I have two bankers boxes filled with miscellaneous bioelectromagnetics publications from
the 1969-1984 time frame. Most are written about RF/MW radiations and include the
USAF dosimetry series, the USN bioeffects digest series, selected BRH bioeffects
publications, selected issues of EM journals related to bioeffects, Battocletti's
"electromagnetism man and the environment," Czerski, et al's "biologic effects and health
hazards of mocrowave radiation," and Baranski and Czerski's "biological effects of
Since I am no longer involved in bioelectromagnetics research, I would like to donate
these publications to someone who believes they can make good use of them. If
interested, please respond to {HYPERLINK "mailto:millert@xsite.net" }millert@xsite.net. In the event that I receive multiple
responses, I will base my selection on the apparent quality of the intended use as well as
the willingness to pay for shipping.
Tim Miller, PhD
Aurora, IL
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