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Re: A Job Announcement.

Title: Re: A Job Announcement.

Dear Colleagues:

The Nuclear Materials Technology Division at Los Alamos has recently announced a new managerial position - "Deputy Director for Science."  The primary function of this position is to improve and expand fundamental science activities within the Division that support the mission of LANL in nuclear materials.  The person selected for this position would be someone with considerable expertise and experience in interdisciplinary applications of chemical, material, and/or metallurgical sciences.  It would be desirable if this person has some specific background and experience in actinide/lanthanide sciences.  A well established person with some of the above qualifications and sufficient knowledge of the DOE/contractor relationship and R&D resource development would be desirable. 
I am seeking your help in identifying and/or nominating persons who would qualify for this position.  Indeed some of you may qualify for the position.  If you agree, please consider expressing your interest through the Laboratory's Human Resources Office.   Also, please identify a colleague or friend who might be a proper candidate for this senior manager/ scientist position at LANL.

Details of the job advertisement and formal application requirements may be found on the Laboratory's web page:  http://www.hr.lanl.gov/scripts/jobs/jobsdb.asp
Please see Job No. 994934.

Sam Pillay

K. K. S. Pillay