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RE: Risk vs B+W

There are numerous articles concerning reduction of risk after cessation of 
smoking.  Search PubMed and NIH for articles.  For a start try

1990 Report of the Surgeon General and
Health Benefits of smoking cessation, J.M. Samet, ClinChestMed 1991, 

Joe Alvarez, Ph.D., CHP
Auxier & Associates, Inc.
9821 Cogdill Rd, Suite 1
Knoxville, TN 37932
Phone (423)675-3669
FAX: (423)675-3677
Email: jalvarez@auxier.com

-----Original Message-----
From:	Dan Burnfield [SMTP:Danb@DNFSB.GOV]
Sent:	Thursday, August 19, 1999 1:50 PM
To:	Multiple recipients of list
Subject:	RE: Risk vs B+W

I have been searching for data that demonstrates the recuperative power of 
the lung; similar to the statement made here.  Can anyone point me to the 
data source.


Dan Burnfield

>>> "Joe Alvarez" <jalvarez@auxier.com> 08/19/99 01:35PM >>>
...A person who smokes for several years then quits will have a decreasing 
chance of lung cancer.  After 10 years of non-smoking the cancer risk is 
indistinguishable from background.  A person who smokes only 1.5 cigarettes 
in a life time has no added cancer risk.

Joe Alvarez, Ph.D., CHP
Auxier & Associates, Inc.
9821 Cogdill Rd, Suite 1
Knoxville, TN 37932
Phone (423)675-3669
FAX: (423)675-3677
Email: jalvarez@auxier.com

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