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RE: Metal Recycling in the news
As a long-time Oak Ridge resident, I would like to clarify two points in
this discussion. First, the contamination in the Ni ingots is not
activation. The internal contamination is uranium and Tc-99 that were
surface contaminants before the metal was smelted for declassification.
Second, PACE (the union) and BNFL (the contractor trying to recycle the
metal) have had horrible labor relations that have included reported fist
fights between representatives of each side. The PACE representative was
one of the anti-recyclers interviewed by ABC. ABC presented a generally
alarmist, biased approach to the issue. The "pots and pans" would
undoubtedly be less radioactive than certain orange glazed plates, etc.
Bill Goldsmith
Radian International LLC
FAX 423-483-9061
Bill_goldsmith@radian.com <mailto:Bill_goldsmith@radian.com>
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