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Re: Commercially Available Source Inventory Programs?
The ALARA Engineering Group at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory has
developed a Y2K compliant web-based source inventory program that runs on
our server. Its features include storage of: digital photos;
sealed-source and RGD information; original and decay corrected activity;
custodial info; leak test info; historical data; transfers; etc. Also, it
can be modified for your site-specific needs. Contact Vince Bishop
at 423-576-7367 or RVI@ORNL.GOV for more info.
Kurt R. Geber, CHP
Office of Radiation Protection
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6160
ph: 423-574-0929
fax: 423-241-2779
pgr: 873-7194