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Silkwood Samples

I've been at Hanford for some 23 years now.  Involved with bioassay/internal
dosimetry for about 15.  We don't have any Silkwood samples here.  Never even
heard a rumor that we did.  I've also spoken with George Voelz, the Los Alamos
physician who was involved with the Silkwood case.  He never even remotely
mentioned that anything was sent to Hanford.   Likewise, I'm unaware that
anything associated with Silkwood was ever given to the US Transuranium
Registry, but that organization will have to answer for itself - it's hasn't
been a "Hanford" entity for quite a few years now.

The story that they still set off alarms sounds like BS - (that's "big
stories").  Maybe the news media will discover something old.  

BTW - High Plains Drifter:  I suspect that most of the "cold fusion" here in the
Tri-Cities (Kennewick, Richland, & Pasco) was occurring at such places as the
Atomic Brew and Pub, or the Liar's Lair.  Especially that associated with your

	Gene Carbaugh, CHP
	Internal Dosimetry
	Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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