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RE: 60th criticality accident
I recall looking at an analysis of "costs" of the production of power
by one of the federal executive agencies (CEQ?) that showed that
one person was killed per year per 1000 MW of operating capacity
by coal trains at RR crossings. It is just a matter of determining
what the public judges to be acceptable risk.
At 9:39 -0500 10/4/99, Bernard L Cohen wrote:
>On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Philip Hypes wrote:
> > Now, anyone care to hazard a guess as to how many workers have died
> > in accidents at oil refineries or non-nuclear power plants since 1945?
> --Much more relevant is the number of workers killed in producing
>electric power by mining coal. Early in this century. about 1400 miners
>died each year in coal mining accidents, and there are still about 100
>deaths each year. But this is just the tip of the iceberg -- many mine
>related diseases kill coal miners, causing their life expectancy to be
>about 3 years less than that of others of the same socioeconomic class.
> One could go further and discuss all industrial accidents which
>kill many thousands of workers each year. All of the above numbers refer
>to the U.S. only.
> >
>Bernard L. Cohen
>Physics Dept.
>University of Pittsburgh
>Pittsburgh, PA 15260
>Tel: (412)624-9245
>Fax: (412)624-9163
>e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu
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Robert W. Atcher
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