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Re: Criticality accident at TOKAI (fwd)
At 11:34 AM 10/8/99 -0500, Bernard L. Cohen wrote:
>6. Effect to local population;
>Voluntary Evacuation of families within 350 metres of the perimeter has been
>implemented around 3:00 pm by mayor of Tokai-mura (around 160 persons). A
>decision to shelter the population (on voluntary basis), out to a radius of
>about 10 kilometers was in effect around 10:30 pm by Ibaraki-ken governor,
>and this was lifted 4:30 pm next day Oct 1, 1999. Voluntary Evacuation was
>lifted also in the evening of Oct 2, 1999.
>The number of affected population for sheltering in their houses was
>estimated as 310, 000 persons.
How about the Cost of Sheltering?
To give an ideia on the costs involved due Sheltering in Japan, please
consider the IAEA "Intervention Criteria in a Nuclear Radiation Emergency" -
Safety Series 109, 1994, page 75.
Considering that not all RADSAFERS has the document, I will report topics of
the document:
"The costs involved in sheltering are essentially just those due the loss
of producity in the population. These may be estimated from the GNP per head
as US$20,000/365 ~ $55 per head per day (*)
On the assumption that other factors can be disregarded, sheltering is
broadly justified and optimized if the avertable dose is greater than a
value of the order of $55,00 per day/$10,000 to $40,000 per Sv ~ 1.5 to 6
mSv per day (*)
The Intervention Level for sheltering, should be in the range of 3 - 12 mSv
avertable dose (for a select period of two days for sheltering). A generic
Intervention Level of 10 mSv has been selected.
(*) Who knows the GNP in Japan (~ $25,000 - $30,000 ?) and the alpha value?
to make a more realistic and complete calculus?
J. J. Rozental
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