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Re: Media Response - Take initiative
At 07:25 PM 10/8/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Greetings all,
>My wife is currently the Publicity Director for a local conference on an
>unrelated subject, but her experience has rubbed off on me a bit. If the
>Physics community wants to get it's message across regarding the health effects
>of radiation exposure, we should seriously consider a publicity strategy.
The media must sell their services, i.e., fulfill public demand. The media
sell "news" characterized by its events: polemic, rare, unusual, unexpected
nature, etc. If he wishes to "sell" his article it must draw the reader's
attention with noticeable headlines.
Sometimes we do not agree with the information because, generally he finds
his information from the most accessible person who are not necessarily
those who are the most competent or most objective. (Example Lochbaum's issue)
So, what we have to "sell" to press and how to do it?
First of all, I agree that strategy should be made to "sell" benefit and
safety primary than hazard and risk. In other words we need a strategy to
find space in the press to inform the public that ionizing radiation has now
been in the service of man for nearly a century. Today, extensively applied
in medicine, industry, agriculture, research and indeed inside of our own
houses (smoke detectors).
I personally, while in Brazil, time to time, as president of the Brazilian
Association of Medical Physics, without any previous agenda I visited some
press headquarters. There, always, after identification and purpose, I
found someone to talk and to convince that also there was interesting news
on normal nuclear practices, capable to "sell" material to public. Many
times I was succeeded to get space to inform about radiation in everyday
I agree that all scientific organization needs to get more space in the
press providing continuously information to encourage the comprehension of
benefit of the main nuclear activities.
How I did it: --
a) With the help of journalist friends;
b) Generally I was looking for the beginers, they are wonder for news;
c) Going to the press. -- You can't seat in your office only writting
letters. In this way you never gain space, if you are lucky, just a few
lines on letter's to press section.
d) Every time you go to press, you find people to talk and 100% he invites
you to drink a coffee;
e) Always you invite the press to go to your office, you have no one to
offer a coffee;
f) Every time you have the chance, the best way is:
-- use always simple language, accessible to everyone;
-- avoid technical terms as far as possible;
-- use graphs, tables, simple examples, both for benefits or hazards;
-- encourage questions and discussion.
..... enough for today
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