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Waterborne radon -Reply
A few comments:
This announcement from the EPA may be of interest:
The Administrator signed the proposed radon in drinking water rule
today (October 19, 1999)....
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United
States, after smoking.
MSF - PROVE IT! I would ask that the EPA provide the definitive
proof that NO ONE has been able to provide before making such
bold and irresponsible statements... not that this is the first time by
any means. BEIR doesn't put even it in those terms.
EPA estimates the costs to states and community water systems
of the more cost-effective approach, i.e., reducing radon in indoor air
while implementing the 4,000 pCi/L drinking water standard, to be
approximately $86 million a year. Treating drinking water from all
community ground water sources to 300 pCi/L, would cost states
and systems about $407 million a year.
MSF - And how many hypothetical lives are we saving? OK, how
many real lives are we saving? ZERO. Couldn't we put this money
to better use addressing real health concerns and saving real lives?
How about water-borne pathogens?
My own personal/non-corporate thoughts,
TX Radiation Advisory Board
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