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Radiobiology 2000
Dear Radsafe:
Please post the attached file on the radsafe list serve. It is the info
about an international conference in India. Thank you -Sree Kumar
K. Sree Kumar, Ph. D.
Radiation Casualty Management Team/RMD
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Bethesda, MD 20889
Tel: (301) 295-0083; Fax (301) 295-0292
e-mail kumar@mx.afrri.usuhs.mil <mailto:kumar@mx.afrri.usuhs.mil>
Visit us at www.afrri.usuhs.mil <http://www.afrri.usuhs.mil>
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An International Conference on
Predictive assays & Low dose radiation effects
17-19 February 2000
Trivandrum, India
Under the auspices of
organised by
Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum HYPERLINK "http://www.pcweb.com/rcc"www.pcweb.com/rcc
The biennial meetings of Indian Society for Radiation Biology are rich in scientific content and is attended by many distinguished National and International scientists. There are two focal themes: Predictive assays and Low dose radiation effects. Sessions on predictive assays will help research on individualization of cancer treatment. Sessions on low dose radiation effects may help find newer directions on relative benefits and dangers associated with low-dose exposure during diagnostic radiology, from atomic power installations, in areas of high natural background radioactivity, etc., and methods of radiation protection to be taken as precautionary and emergency measures. Sessions on general topics will also be included. The progress of the meeting and changes can be ascertained by visiting this site which will be updated periodically.
Please e-mail your inquiries to HYPERLINK "mailto:radiobiology2000@hotmail.com"radiobiology2000@hotmail.com or to the Organising Secretary (Dr. V. N. Bhattathiri) at HYPERLINK "mailto:vnbtvm@vsnl.com"vnbtvm@vsnl.com or to the Regional Cancer Center at HYPERLINK "mailto:rcctvm@md2.vsnl.net.in"rcctvm@md2.vsnl.net.in. In U.S.A. please contact: Dr. Sree Kumar at HYPERLINK "mailto:kumar@mx.afrri.usuhs.mil"kumar@mx.afrri.usuhs.mil (Tel 301-295-0083; Fax 301-295-0292)
Location of the Conference. The Conference will be held in The SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM in Trivandrum (new name Thiruvananthapuram), the capital city of Kerala, the most picturesque State of India. Rich in cultural heritage and lots of site seeing locations, Kerala is also one of the smaller states nestled in between the mountains on the east and Arabian Sea on the west. Situated at the southern tip of India, Kerala is also the most literate state in India. Visit Kerala at HYPERLINK "http://www.keralatourism.org/"www.keralatourism.orgHYPERLINK "http://www.keralatours.org/"http://www.keralatours.org/. Worlds famous meditation temple (Vivekananda Rock), on top of a solitary rock in the middle of the ocean at the junction of Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal, is only a few miles from Trivandrum.
Name (Last, first, middle initial) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tel, Fax, and e-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Title of abstract and author affiliations (indicate presenting author by an asterisk)
Date of arrival at Trivandrum ------------------------------ Departure ----------------------------
No. of associate delegates
Registration fee:
PRIVATE Before 15 Nov, 99Before Jan 1, 00After Jan 1, 00Delegate
Associate DelegateUS $ 310
US $ 100US $ 410
US $ 150US $ 510
US $ 200Single accommodation in the city and local transportation are included in the registration. Associate delegates will be provided shared accommodation with the delegate. Additional charges apply to those who wish to stay in the beach.
If you do not want the organizers to arrange the accommodation, the following rates apply
PRIVATE Before 15 Nov, 99Before Jan 1, 00After Jan 1, 00Delegate
Associate DelegateUS $ 160
US $ 50US $ 210
US $ 75US $ 260
US $ 100Please make all payments by bank draft or cashiers check to: Radiobiology2000 payable at Trivandrum
(Deadline for submission of abstracts is December 30, 1999)
FORMAT. Abstracts for poster/platform sessions may not exceed one page (9" x 7") including the title, authors, and affiliations. One table or figure, and one or two references can be included within the stipulated space constraints. The title in uppercase letters, authors, and affiliations should be spaced from the rest of the abstract. Please use a 12-point font (preferably Times Roman) for typing the abstract.
Please send abstracts to:
V. N. Bhattathiri MD PhD, Organising Secretary, 'Radiobiology2000'
Clinical Radiobiology Section,
Division of Radiotherapy,
Regional Cancer Centre, Medical College
Trivandrum, Kerala 695011, INDIA
Tel: 91-471-445435 / 91-471-442541; Fax: 91-471-444287 / 91-471-447454
E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:radiobiology2000@hotmail.com"radiobiology2000@hotmail.com or HYPERLINK "mailto:vnbtvm@vsnL.com"vnbtvm@vsnl.com
For a selection of the tourist attractions, please sent an e-mail to RIYA Tours & Travels at: HYPERLINK "mailto:manager@techpark.net"manager@techpark.net . (Fax 011-91-471-446371). Please indicate your date and time of arrival and the number of days you would like to spend in Kerala. Travel arrangements from United States and Canada are handled by Ace Travels, Rockville, MD. If you would like to use their services, please contact them at HYPERLINK mailto:rmonir@aol.com rmonir@aol.com or call them at 301-738-8282 for discount rates.
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