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a self-contained irradiator from Kapp Wisconsin
I am looking for any informations about this self-contained irradiator
from a company called Kapp, Wisconsin?
about 30 years old.
700 Ci
Does anybody have drawings or papers and information?
Please reply directly to Charly at charlyfrey@bluewin.ch
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fn: Carl-Heinz Frey
n: Frey;Carl-Heinz
org: NUC Consult
adr: Rheinweg 5;;;Zurzach;;5330;Switzerland
email;internet: charlyfrey@bluewin.ch
title: Health Physics /RPO
tel;work: 056 269 69 36
tel;fax: 056 249 44 49
tel;home: 056 249 46 16
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