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RE: RE: Dose Rates vs. Altitude

While pressurized, cabin pressures are not maintained at a pressure equivalent to sea level atmospheric pressure. According to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration web site, the specification for cabin pressure is equivalent to 15,000 feet or less. I have not researched the regulations of other agencies. By design, it can be much less than this, say 8000 feet depending on the model and manufacturer.

Based on an assumed cabin pressure equivalent to 8000 feet, an Eberline RO-2 will exhibit a response around 75% of that achieved at sea level equivalent pressure. Note: The actual cabin pressure maintained on any particular aircraft may be different that this.

A pressurized ion chamber prevents fluctuations in cabin pressure from affecting results.
Rick Edwards, Analyst
The Boeing Company

> ----------
> >I do not understand why a pressurized ion chamber is needed for >measurements -
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