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Re: NRC provides generic soil criteria (DCGLs) using latest
Very interesting reading. Does anyone else find at least some of these
values to be incredibly low? For example, the EPA has codified (40 CFR
192, Subpart B) the soil cleanup level for Ra-226 from uranium
processing activities to be 5 pCi/g above background for the top 15 cm
of soil, and 15 pCi/g for deeper soil. Using the NRC's calculated
concentration of 0.7 pCi/g that would result in 25 mrem/y, the EPA's
standardized cleanup level of 5 pCi/g would equal 179 mrem/y!!! Seems
to be more than just a little disagreement here.
Wouldn't it be nice if the various regulatory agencies that are
attempting to regulate D&D activities could agree? I guess I'll wish
I'd win the lottery while I'm at it. Hmmm, I wonder which one will
happen first.
My opinion only
Steven D. Rima, CHP, CSP
Manager, Health Physics and Industrial Hygiene
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: NRC provides generic soil criteria (DCGLs) using latest vers
Author: "Abelquist; Eric" <AbelquiE@orau.gov> at Internet
Date: 12/7/99 1:21 PM
Dear Radsafers-
Please note the attached Federal Register notice from the NRC related to
soil concentrations that correspond to the 25 mrem/y release criterion. The
NRC has used an updated version of DandD (somewhat less conservative default
parameter values). Some of the more common radionulcide DCGLs (in pCi/g)
are as follows:
Co-60..................................... 3.8 E+00
Sr-90..................................... 1.7 E+00
Cs-137.................................... 1.1 E+01
Ra-226.................................... 7.0 E-01
Ra-226+C \4\.............................. 6.0 E-01
Th-232.................................... 1.1 E+00
Th-232+C.................................. 1.1 E+00
U-234..................................... 1.3 E+01
U-235..................................... 8.0 E+00
U-235+C................................... 2.9 E-01
U-238..................................... 1.4 E+01
U-238+C................................... 5.0 E-01
Check it out.
Eric Abelquist
Eric W. Abelquist
P.O. Box 117
Oak Ridge,TN 37831
Tel (423) 576-3740
FAX (423) 241-3497
Email: abelquie@orau.gov
[Federal Register: December 7, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 234)]
[Page 68395-68396]
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