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Re: Nuclear Power vs CO2
On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Al Tschaeche wrote:
> Has anyone knowledge of calculations that have been completed that set
> forth the amount of CO2 the nuclear fuel cycle produces vs what a
> natural gas or a coal fired power plant produces per megawatt? We all
> know that nuclear power plants don't produce CO2. But all other parts
> of the fuel cycle do. I have been having arguments with people who
> think the nuclear fuel cycle produces just as much CO2 as fossil
> plants. I can't believe that's true, but have no data to demonstrate
> that it isn't. NEI should have produced some good data perhaps? Have a
> happy holiday all you RADSAFERS. Al Tschaeche antatnsu@pacbell.net
--If this were true, France would not be emitting much less C02
than other countries.
Bernard L. Cohen
Physics Dept.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412)624-9245
Fax: (412)624-9163
e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu
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