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RE: [Fwd: FW: virus]

Hi all and Happy Holidays,

A bit off topic, but would like to send out a note on the last virus
warning. Plus, I just got sent a virus in a e-mail attached word document
from a well known HP, so this is near and dear to me... guess being that HPs
are infected, maybe its not off topic... 

Anyway, the "Lump of Coal" warning that was sent out is a virus hoax. Please
do not send this to other people and if you have, please ask them to not to
send it out any further. 

See: http://www.datafellows.com/hoaxes/lumpcoal.htm
or http://vil.mcafee.com/dispHoax.asp?id=vh10342         

If you want to send someone something about viruses, send them the web site
for AVERT or one of the virus checker web sites (like McAfee and Microsoft).
These sites have virus information and new virus warnings on mailing lists.
Basically, let your friends read or receive virus warnings from the people
who issue such warnings, not from Hoax makers. I suggest not passing along
warnings received from other people, for the Hoaxes pray on good intentions.
Also, up-date your virus checkers, and check your word and excel documents
before sending them out to people at attachments. 
For more on viruses, try:


on hoaxes AND viruses, try:

Happy Y2K!

Bruce Busby
Radiation Health Physicist
State of Washington, Dept of Health
7171 Clean Water Lane, Bldg 5
Olympia, WA 98504
E-mail: bruce.busby@doh.wa.gov
Phone: 360-236-3222

Subject: [Fwd: FW: virus]

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 8:18 AM
> To: Company
> Subject: virus
> Recived this today
> >> > IMPORTANT!!!!
> >> > On December 25, you may get an email addressed "lump of coal."
> >> > Do not open it inside is a dealy virus. This is not a hoax. It
> was
> >> > reported on CBS news. Email this to as many people as you can.
> >> > GET THE WORD OUT!!!
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