[ RadSafe ] RE: "Science" also misrepresents the "Chernobyl Forum" report
Marcel Schouwenburg
M.Schouwenburg at TNW.TUDelft.NL
Wed Sep 14 02:33:22 CDT 2005
Posted on behalf of Y.C. Luan.
Dear Jim and all:
As there are so many physicists so care about whether 4000 people died
in the Chernobyl accident, I would like also to discuss about this
matter, though my asssertion still coudl not convence health scientists
in the last ten years.
After ten years of the Chernobyl accident, a conference held purpossely
on 8-12 on April 1996 for this most serious accident in Venia, which
was co-sponered by IAEA, WHO and EC for analysis the damage of the
reactor and the health effects of radaition injures to the people..The
most important scientists and organization in the caccident was the
Interantioanl Chernobyly Project (ICJ) which was same as RERF in
analyzing of the injure of Japanese and the deterministic and stochastic
heallth effects of the radiation and followed the results of the the
atomic explosion. When the Chernobyl reactor exploded on 26 April 1968,
the ARS was quite similar caused to the Russian people, 134 people
diagnosed in 134 cases, 28 died (all were fireman ))as a consquened in
first three months of radiation injures, and 2 with unrelated to
accident. and 14 died with in ten year not related to radiation injure.
So that 44 people died in the Chernobyl accidemt.
If the scentists think any bit radiation received, would increase the
cancer mordality of people outside the Chernobyl reactor, the total
deaths of people in Chernobyl amounted up to 4000 might be reasonable.
After Chernobyl accident, 200,000 workers had been engaged for accident
enmergency, and for decontanimaton of the fission products released
outside of the reactor in a quite big space of area around the power
plant, the workers had received the average dose of about 100 mSv in
1986-87. If such radiation doses could increase concer deaths based on
the LNT model accomplished by the the RERF scentists, the excess cancer
deaths might be 3000 persons in the future (6000x 100 mSv x 5 persons
x 1000mSv /100x1000 mSv =3000 persons ) and the natural cancer deaths
of workers might be 3040 persons (assume the natural cancer deaths of
the workers same as in Taiwan 160 peersers/100,000person year for 19
year=3040 persons ) .
.But besides 44 persons died who recevied high acute radiation in the
accident, what real ammount of persons would die. The ICJ predicted
based on RERF, 150 leukemia of the Rusisan workers shoud died after ten
years, actuall no such excess leukemai observed, solid cancer could not
predicated. Dr Ilylin, charman of the biophysics and academy of Federal
Russia represent many scentists wrote a letter to IAEA in 2000 indicated
that the cancer deaths of the workers was lower than the nomal
public,and there were only 48 incidence of leukima until 2000, and I
wrote also a letter to IAEA indicated if the radiation received in low
dose rate by people, the radiation would not increase cancer mortality,
but reduced the cancer mortality sharply as coincidently observed in the
Co-60 contaminated apartments in Taiwan. the 250 natural cancer deaths
in 21 years reduced to to only 3%. So that the chronic radiation, or
radiation in low dose rate, is always beneficial to people and could
prevent the cancer of people. Such beneficial health effects of
radiation was human being clinical expermented by the residents who
lived 21 years unkowingly in the Co-60 apartments in Taiwan.
. .
Best regads.
YC Luan
Marcel Schouwenburg - RadSafe moderator & List owner
Head Training Centre Delft
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