[ RadSafe ] AW: A few items from Old Europe...

Rainer.Facius at dlr.de Rainer.Facius at dlr.de
Fri Apr 21 07:22:01 CDT 2006

"... about 61.000 received a dose above 1 Sv. Their death rate corresponds exactly to that in the unexposed parts on Russia."

Dear Klaus,

can you provide a reference, where this 'sensational' finding has been documented in quotable, accessible writing?

Many thanks in advance with kind regards, Rainer (taking the liberty to further distribute your interesting news)


Von: owner-rad-sci-l at WPI.EDU im Auftrag von Prof.Dr.Klaus.Becker at t-online.de
Gesendet: Fr 21.04.2006 13:24
An: rad-sci-l at wpi.edu
Betreff: A few items from Old Europe...


The 20th Chernobyl annniversary currently produced plenty of very emotional and irrational media reports around here. It may be of interest that the Russian Academy of Sciences just had a "20 Years After" Sympopsium, in which Prof. Leonid Ilyin, probably the best expert in this field, documented the fact that of the 134 ARS people 28 died as radiation victims within the frist few months. 19 more died up to 2004 because of different causes - including maltreated thyroid cancers car accidents, heart problems, and suicides.

Among the 187.415 "liquidators", about 61.000 received a dose above 1 Sv. Their death rate corresonds exactly to that in the unexposed parts on Russia. Prof. Zyb, another leading expert, demonstrated that the death rate in areas below 100 mSv no increases of the death rate could be detected. Most experts agreed that there was a threshold (including children thyroid cases) above 200 mSv (see also www.nuklearforum-ch). Perhaps RSH as a serious international NGO should have published some press release around these days?

Another question of more general interest is Persia - a fascinating country with over 3000 years of impressive history, currently under some political pressures.
My friend Wolfgang Stoll ("Mr.Plutonium Germany", former  director of the German MOX-Facilies in Hanau, Honorary Member of the German Nuclear Society, etc.) recently pointed out in FAZ (one of the worlds three best newspapwers) that it would require a perfectly functioning cascade of 20.000 (!) ultracentrifuges to produce a modern MWD per year, which is rather unlikely to happan there in the forseeable future. 

Last not least, there are a some remarks of perhaps more genersl interest in the latest issue of Rad. Protect.
Dos. 117/1-3. It deals with "Optimization of dose and performance in intreventional and digital imaging". Some articles, e.g. by A Janssens and S. Vaquero "Regulatory aspects of radiation protection" (p. 18-22), may interest some of you.

Cordial regards and best wishes!    Klaus Becker

Prof. Dr. Klaus Becker
Boothstr. 27, D-12207 Berlin
Phone/Fax +49(0)30-7721284

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