[ RadSafe ] TMI - reported "metallic taste"

Dukelow, James S Jr jim.dukelow at pnl.gov
Thu Feb 16 06:40:43 CST 2006

Bjorn Cedervall and many others have written in this thread:
-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl on behalf of Bjorn Cedervall
Sent: Wed 2/15/2006 1:30 PM
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: [ RadSafe ] TMI - reported "metallic taste"
To me sulfides and merkaptanes do not give me "metallic" taste/smell 
associations. Maybe because I did a lot of chemistry as a kid/teenager. This 
topic leads to philosophical questions like whether one person's 
perception/sensation/idea is the same as someone elses. What I mean is that 
some people may just think "this must be metallic" (because it is 
"different") - because they do not have appropriate reference experiences.

My personal comment only,

Bjorn Cedervall   bcradsafers at hotmail.com


For better or worse:

1)  If you read the accounts of the Chernobyl accident, plant workers highly exposed (many of whom died of their exposure) reported a metallic taste.

2)  If you visit web sites supporting cancer patients receiving radiation treatment for their cancer, changes in taste and smell, including a metallic taste in their mouths, are among the common side effects of the radiation treatment discussed.

Best regards.

Jim Dukelow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA
jim dukelow at pnl.gov

These comments are mine and have not been reviewed and/or approved by my management or by the U.S. Department of Energy.
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