[ RadSafe ] Re:"State of Fear"

howard long hflong at pacbell.net
Mon Feb 20 10:48:15 CST 2006

Greenland's interior ice thickens (new Norwegian study), as coast glaciers melt,
  and it is as record cold in the USA now as it was record hot a couple of weeks ago,
  so SELECTION explains spotty ice cap melting, John.

  500 new power reactors are urgently needed for USA energy independence,
  as is pushed this week by the President (with Health Savings Accounts dear to my heart), both obscured by media "gotcha" of a trivial accident and slight of its waning thought-control. 
  Reinforce reactor buillding momentum, HPs! Even assimilates of this global government warm front are for now with you, to reduce CO2.
  Howard Long 
John R Johnson <idias at interchange.ubc.ca> wrote:

This is not my area of expertise, but why are the global "ice caps" melting
if its not "global warming.

I've heard of concerns that the polar bears in the Canadian artic are
suffering because their traditional breeding grounds are melting!

John R Johnson, Ph.D.
President, IDIAS, Inc
4535 West 9-Th Ave
Vancouver B. C.
V6R 2E2
(604) 222-9840
idias at interchange.ubc.ca
or most mornings
Consultant in Radiation Protection
4004 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver B. C.
V6R 2E2
(604) 222-1047 Ext. 6610
Fax: (604) 222-7309
johnsjr at triumf.ca

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl]On Behalf
Of Dimiter Popoff
Sent: February 20, 2006 7:08 AM
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Re:"State of Fear"

Actually the temperature data I have access to indicates cooling
rather than warming. 3 out of last 4 years we had no summer
at all - temperatures were way lower than average, this winter
we had deeply buried waterpipes freeze for the first time in their
20 years existance etc...
I really do not buy into all the global warming talk, however aggressive
the media are about it. Whether it is just a mistake or a lie
or a mixture of both I do not know, what I do know is that
my winter energy consumption is rising measurably while
the thermostat here keeps the temperature with about a 0.1 C
precision year after year... whatever the CO2 concentration may
have been.


Dimiter Popoff Transgalactic Instruments


> -------Original Message-------
> From: Maury Siskel 
> Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] "State of Fear"
> Sent: Feb 20 '06 06:39
> Yes, the board is closed to any fresh contributions, but one can skim
> through the thread contributions that were stimulated closer to the time
> the book was released. And as Andy has suggested, there is little, to
> the best of my knowledge, that alleviates the available conflicting data.
> My anecdotal, subjective, non-agnostic, opinionated beliefs are struck
> by the presumption that puny human animals might have the power to so
> profoundly alter the planetary climate. And I've seen no advocate of
> anthropogenic change willing to suggest that we might change the outcome
> with even the most stringent regulations. I believe sincerely that the
> evidence for alternatives to LNT is stronger.
> And the beat goes on ....
> Cheers,
> Maury&Dog
> _______
> For centuries, people believed the moon was made of green cheese. Then
> the astronauts found that the moon is really a big hard rock. That's
> what happens to cheese when you leave it out.
> ======================
> Cehn at aol.com wrote:
> > Maury;
> >
> > Thanks, but it looks like the State of Fear board is closed.
> >
> > --JC
> >
> > In a message dated 2/19/2006 7:16:49 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > maurysis at ev1.net writes:
> >
> > For those interested, here is a link to the Crichton message board
> > which
> > has archived extensive discussion of his book ...
> > http://www.michaelcrichton.net/messageboard.html
> > Best regards,
> > Maury&DFog (maurysis at ev1.net)
> >
> > ==============
> > Cehn at aol.com wrote:
> >
> > >Don't know if there's a thread on the book "State of Fear", but
> > its a book
> > >worth reading. THe author has spoken out about the poor media
> > coverage of
> > >
> > >
> > ------------ snipped -----------
> >
> >
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