[ RadSafe ] RE: DUF6 storage cylinder risk assessment

Susan Gawarecki loc at icx.net
Fri Jan 20 17:23:31 CST 2006

I don't know of a probablistic risk assessment, but at Oak Ridge we have 
dealt with aging DUF6 cylinders for decades.  Inspection does not 
require unloading the tanks; it is a detailed external physical 
inspection looking for corrosion and pinhole leaks.  In conjunction with 
this, Oak Ridge had an active program to maintain the cylinders, 
including removing corrosion and keeping them painted.  The state's DOE 
Oversight Division actively monitored the cylinder storage yards and 
DOE's inspection process.

Most of the 7000 cylinders formerly stored at Oak Ridge have been safely 
transported to Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant where the material 
will be processed into a more stable chemical form.

Susan Gawarecki
Executive Director
ORR Local Oversight Committee

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